Trade press release

GEA supports Estonian company Fibenol with technologies for sugar extraction from hardwood biomass

March 13, 2024

The Fibenol industrial demo plant in Imavere, Estonia, has developed and advanced Sunburst™ biofractionation technology based biorefinery with the support of GEA on solid-liquid separation process units. (Photo: Fibenol)
The PFD Fibenol Sunburst Technology process. (Graphic: GEA)

The PFD Fibenol Sunburst Technology process. (Graphic: GEA)

Function of the GEA GEA varipond® technology Where the clarified liquid exits the decanter bowl, there is an axially adjustable regulating ring that determines the gap width of the passage opening: smaller gap, greater resistance, lower water discharge, higher liquid level. Intelligent sensor technology regulates the gap width fully automatically depending on the desired liquid level in the decanter bowl by moving the movable regulating ring to the optimum position while the decanter centrifuge is running. (Graphic: GEA)

Function of the GEA GEA varipond® technology Where the clarified liquid exits the decanter bowl, there is an axially adjustable regulating ring that determines the gap width of the passage opening: smaller gap, greater resistance, lower water discharge, higher liquid level. Intelligent sensor technology regulates the gap width fully automatically depending on the desired liquid level in the decanter bowl by moving the movable regulating ring to the optimum position while the decanter centrifuge is running. (Graphic: GEA)

Dr. Michael Golek



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