Filling System
The aseptic filling module fillasept® is a fully aseptic standalone unit for filling industrial bulk containers of 100–1,000 L.
The interface between the filling system and IBC is formed by a specifically designed filling head. The interspace in the connection area is impeccably rinsable and sterilizable. The rinsing happens with hot water, which is provided directly at the module by an integrated tubular heat exchanger. For the user, this means thorough, supervisible security of the filling process. All parameters such as sterilization time, filling & rinsing time, CIP / SIP data, and all product specific data are freely programmable on the touch screen.
The integrated control Siemens S7 can be adapted to all process specifications respectively to customer‘s requests. In the basic configuration the programs production, SIP/CIP plant and rinses are firmly deposited. In the corresponding submenus can be configured freely with the process parameters.
The monitoring of the filling capacity is carried out by a scale integrated in the manual lift truck. The measured data are continuously transmitted to the PLC using WiFi and the evaluation process allows the exact filling of a particular bin.
At the centre of this plug-and-play solution is a specially designed filling head. The special, dead leg free design of the filling head enables safe cleaning and sterilization of the complete internal space including parts of the bag valve.
The fillaseptl® IBC filling system can basically be used with any bag-in-box system. For a filling under enhanced hygienic requirements, the bag needs to include a steam sterilizable shut-off valve, which is ideally located at the bottom end of a bag side.
Nominal diameter | DN50 |
Operating temperature | 0 – 150°C (32 – 302°F) |
Nominal pressure | 6 bar (87 psi) |
Dimensioning (L x W x H) | 1,200 x 800 x 1,460 mm (47.25 x 31.5 x 57.5 inch) |
Bin sizes | 100 – 1,000 L (26 – 265 gal) |
Filling capacity | Appr. 6 bins of 1,000 L/h* (appr. 6 bins of 265 gal/h)* |
Product loss / filling | 0.65 L (0.17 gal) |
Product valves | GEA Aseptomag® |
Valves für process media | Sanitary valves |
Sealing materials | FDA approved |
Square pipe frame | AISI 304 |
Parts in contact with product | AISI 316L, Ra ≤ 0.8 μm (Ra ≤ 32 μin) |
Supply voltage | 100 – 230 V AC |
Monitoring of filling capacity | Integrated scale |
Communication | Wireless connection |
* Depending on product and process
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Odkryj GEA Smart Filling dla technologii napełniania — w pełni zintegrowaną, internetową/ obsługiwaną za pomocą aplikacji mobilnej platformę, na której znajdziesz odpowiedzi na wszystkie potrzeby usługowe.
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