The Concentrate Feeder from GEA is thus the ideal expansion to GEA Calf Feeders. It ensures, in conjunction with the DairyManagementSystem 21, an exact, individual allocation of concentrate and optimized dosing.
The integrated animal recognition feature registers the calves upon entering the concentrate station and ensures that the rations are dispensed according to need. Your calves’ concentrate consumption is documented and can be viewed via the automatic feeder. Moreover, the concentrate feeder for calves enables animal-specific weaning: once a calf consumes the quantity of calf concentrate that you selected, the amount of feed available to that animal is automatically reduced. This allows you to wean each calf according to its own development – entirely automatically!
Suporte automatizado para a criação de bezerras: Com os amamentadores de bezerras DairyFeed J C400 , V600 e V640 , você se beneficia com o crescimento controlado e saudável para todo tamanho de rebanho e propriedade.
Amamentador de Bezerros Móvel: O F4650 ajuda-o a amamentar bezerros independentemente de onde os animais estejam, seja com leite ou leite em pó. Isso poupa tempo e esforço ao criar os animais.