
Pushing the limits.


How to drive marine separation technology to the max


GEA marine Separator with integrated direct drive
up to 30,000 in energy savings
Add Better
50% smaller footprint
96% more effective
GEA EffiClean before and after

Separator disk before (left) and after (right) cleaning with GEA EffiClean

GEA Smart Connectivity on-shore
GEA marine Separator
GEA Marine Separator Service

Make servicing your separators as easy as 1-2-3

GEA marine Separator

GEA marine Separator

Your benefits at a glance

Свяжитесь с нами

GEA marine Separator with integrated direct drive

Future on board. Today.

50% smaller footprint

Small footprint and 360° accessibility.

96% more effective

New standards in efficiency

Add Better

GEA marine Separator

Resource efficient solution

GEA EffiClean

GEA EffiClean

Fast cleaning

GEA marine Separator

GEA marine Separator

Your benefits at a glance

GEA Smart Connectivity on-shore

Ready for smart connectivity?

Proven standards on board

In addition to innovative technology, GEA marine Separator offers

Marine Services

Keep your equipment fit with GEA Service

Seven seas. One revolutionary service concept.


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