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GEA and Hochwald: First milk intake in Europe's most modern dairy plant

28 Oct 2021

Europe's most modern dairy is taking shape: Stefan Klebert, CEO GEA (right) and Detlef Latka, CEO Hochwald Foods (left) celebrate the first milk intake. Image: Hochwald Foods GmbH

Europe's most modern dairy is taking shape: Stefan Klebert, CEO GEA (right) and Detlef Latka, CEO Hochwald Foods (left) celebrate the first milk intake. Image: Hochwald Foods GmbH

The new Hochwald dairy in Mechernich will process around 800 million liters of milk into high-quality products with long shelf life. That's around two million liters per day, or 86 tanker trucks, arriving at the milk reception area. Image: Hochwald Foods GmbH

The new Hochwald dairy in Mechernich will process around 800 million liters of milk into high-quality products with long shelf life. That's around two million liters per day, or 86 tanker trucks, arriving at the milk reception area. Image: Hochwald Foods GmbH

Matthias Schnettler


Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

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