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Aker BioMarine commissions GEA to design the world’s first krill protein pilot plant

28 Jul 2021

Krill are small crustaceans of the order Euphausiacea from which protein products can be derived. Their unique phospholipid-bound omega-3 fatty acids in krill may help reduce the risk of various civilization diseases, including heart and brain problems. Image: Aker BioMarine

Krill are small crustaceans of the order Euphausiacea from which protein products can be derived. Their unique phospholipid-bound omega-3 fatty acids in krill may help reduce the risk of various civilization diseases, including heart and brain problems. Image: Aker BioMarine

Aker BioMarine is the only krill supplier that controls the entire supply chain from krill harvesting in Antarctic waters to the logistics center in Montevideo to the krill oil production facility in Houston, USA. Antarctic krill fishing is one of the most sustainable fisheries in the world. Image: Aker BioMarine

Aker BioMarine is the only krill supplier that controls the entire supply chain from krill harvesting in Antarctic waters to the logistics center in Montevideo to the krill oil production facility in Houston, USA. Antarctic krill fishing is one of the most sustainable fisheries in the world. Image: Aker BioMarine

На новой опытной установке Aker BioMarine будет производиться INVI — гидролизат белка криля, полученный из экологически чистого сырья, который недавно был признан безопасным для пищевых продуктов. Изображение: Aker BioMarine

На новой опытной установке Aker BioMarine будет производиться INVI — гидролизат белка криля, полученный из экологически чистого сырья, который недавно был признан безопасным для пищевых продуктов. Изображение: Aker BioMarine

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