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Full flavor, less water: GEA develops water-saving membrane dealcoholization system for beer

07 Sep 2022

The GEA AromaPlus membrane dealcoholization plant at Schönbuch Braumanufaktur in Böblingen has been producing a multiple award-winning non-alcoholic wheat beer since May 2018. Image: GEA/Mike Henning

The GEA AromaPlus membrane dealcoholization plant at Schönbuch Braumanufaktur in Böblingen has been producing a multiple award-winning non-alcoholic wheat beer since May 2018. Image: GEA/Mike Henning

The complete dealcoholization system GEA AromaPlus is mounted on a frame. It comprises the filtration modules and reverse osmosis membranes, pumps for media transfer and system pressure build-up, the entire internal piping, a CIP dosing unit installed next to the system, and the control equipment required for semi-automated operation. Image: GEA/Mike Henning

The complete dealcoholization system GEA AromaPlus is mounted on a frame. It comprises the filtration modules and reverse osmosis membranes, pumps for media transfer and system pressure build-up, the entire internal piping, a CIP dosing unit installed next to the system, and the control equipment required for semi-automated operation. Image: GEA/Mike Henning


Fanny Förster

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

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