GEA DairyFeed F4150
Мобильный автомат для кормления и выпойки телят: F4650 позволяет кормить телят цельным молоком или заменителем цельного молока в любом месте, где бы они не находились, что значительно экономит фермерам время и усилия при выращивании животных.
The GEA DairyFeed F4150 considerably eases the workload by simply bringing the trough to where it is needed at any time. The agile and mobile dosage vehicle has a precise filling system with which the individual mix for every group of animals can be exactly dosed.
The mixer and heating function ensure that there is a perfect consistency and an ideal temperature. Dispensing can take place quickly using the powerful pump.
The F4150 is available with a capacity of 120 and 200 liters. In addition, other options can be selected, such as push or pull drive mode, integrated pasteurization unit or cooling system for use with Automated Milking Systems.