40 years of innovation in bottling technology
Original Procomac headquarters in Collecchio, Italy, near Parma, undated.

Original Procomac headquarters in Collecchio, Italy, near Parma, undated.

The first Procomac integrated injection-blow-fill aseptic bloc ASIS, Japan, mid-1990s: from PET resin to the filled bottle in a single system without the need for container sterilization.

The first Procomac integrated injection-blow-fill aseptic bloc ASIS, Japan, mid-1990s: from PET resin to the filled bottle in a single system without the need for container sterilization.

GEA Procomac aseptic filling technology for sensitive beverages.

GEA Procomac aseptic filling technology for sensitive beverages.

GEA provided us with access to a global marketplace, financial stability, sound corporate governance and the resources to develop our technology and innovate in what was rapidly becoming a highly competitive marketplace."- Luigi Bonzanini, Head of Global Sales & Marketing, GEA Procomac

- Luigi Bonzanini, Head of Global Sales & Marketing, GEA Procomac


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