Our commitments

GEA has a long-standing history of promoting environmental sustainability. We support the global transition to a Net Zero emissions economy and are committed to science-based targets. In doing so, we offer our customers products that not only provide improved performance but also demonstrate resource efficiency, while proactively reducing the greenhouse gas footprint of our own sites and activities.

Our commitments
Our climate targets at a glance

Selected Memberships & Partnerships

GEA is committed to active engagement and contributing to change. This involves taking a proactive role and a willingness to share experience and knowledge to inspire others.

Sustainability at GEA


Respect for Human Rights


Approaching nature-related impact

Hydropower plants: Vietnam

Hydropower plants: Vietnam

170+ jobs created, average 197,000 CO2e mitigated annually and approx. 731,000 MWh of sustainable electricity exported to the grid annually.

Geothermal power plant: Indonesia

Geothermal power plant: Indonesia

~80 jobs created, average 736,000 MWh electricity generated annually and average 481,000 tons CO2e mitigated annually.

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