GEA CompaX / GEA BluX, Wolf ButterBack'teki saha testinde değerini kanıtlıyor

Tesis-3'te yer alan 2500 m²'lik teknoloji merkezi, üretim için soğutma teknolojisine ve yeni derin dondurucu depolama tesisine ev sahipliği yapıyor. (Görsel: Wolf ButterBack)

Wolf ButterBack – Machine room with GEA CompaX compressor / GEA BluX chiller

Less space required, but similar performance: the new liquid chiller is based on the compact GEA CompaX compressor, which has no external piping.

Wolf ButterBack – GEA Omni control panel

The GEA Omni control panel is clear and easy to use thanks to the high-definition, multi-touch interface.

The chiller with the GEA CompaX has been in use here since 2018 and, in that time, has logged 15,000 operating hours, meaning it has been in operation almost 24/7. Even on hot summer days with outside temperatures of up to 36 degrees, the compressor worked perfectly and responded impressively to load changes.”- Jens Geyer, Head of Cooling Technology at Wolf ButterBack

- Jens Geyer, Head of Cooling Technology at Wolf ButterBack


GEA Grasso CompaX 350/400

GEA CompaX



GEA OmniControl

GEA Omni

Haberleri GEA’dan alın

GEA haber bültenine abone olarak GEA yeniliklerinden ve hikayelerinden haberdar olun.

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