Süt, dünyanın en değerli tarımsal ürünlerinden biri olup, Birleşmiş Milletlerin Gıda ve Tarım Kuruluşunun süt ve süt ürünleri için tahmini rakamlarına göre global tarım ticaretinin %14'ünü oluşturmaktadır.
Tüketiciler, en sevdikleri süt ve krema ürünlerinin anahtar besinleri içermesini ve taze lezzetler sunmasını beklemektedir. Pazarların hızla değişmesi, üreticilerin bu hıza yetişebilmesi için esnek kalması ve doğal içeriklerden sağlıklı yeni formüller geliştirmesi gerektiği anlamına gelmektedir.
GEA has worked with the dairy industry since 1893, and offers world-leading expertise in all areas of dairy processing. We understand that flexibility, reliability and sustainability are key imperatives for today’s market milk manufacturers. Our goal is to make your manufacturing more efficient, hygienic and environmentally sound, by offering state-of-the-art components, equipment and process lines. We work with you at every stage to configure and install optimized plants for all types of fresh, extended-shelf-life (ESL), UHT milk and cream products, however complex the process, and whatever the scale. And you know that consistent, precisely controlled milk treatment means increased efficiency, lower product losses and waste, and better quality.
Our knowhow spans every stage, from milk and ingredients reception, milk separation, treatment and standardization, through to filling, automation and process control. As a single-source supplier our user-friendly, end-to-end-process lines or green field plants give you the confidence of seamless integration and fewer bottlenecks both for batch and continuous processing. We take care of every detail, including the configuration of robust, long-lifespan valves and space-saving, hygienic pipework.
Customers worldwide rely on our dedicated portfolio of separation systems, pasteurization units, and energy-efficient steam injection and infusion UHT solutions. Our innovative Proplus skimming technology integrated into separator systems can achieve significantly higher milk protein yields, with less use of fresh water and waste water. All GEA separators are equipped with the hydrosoft system, which operates at reduced pressures and low shear forces, resulting in higher separation efficiency and increased productivity, while reducing equipment maintenance and wear costs, and increasing service life. Boost yield from your milk even further using the Standomat standardization technology, which includes three precise flow meters to maximize the amount of separated cream from raw milk, as well monitor and regulate process specifications, and reduce the need for laboratory checks.
Microfiltration, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis plants from GEA are world-recognized for their versatility in all areas of milk processing and concentration. And innovations including our heat and water recovery systems, direct-drive separator and clean-in-place plants further improve efficiency, reliability and run time, and optimize the use of resources. Our smart solutions help to speed return on key investments and meet environmental sustainability goals.
But we don’t just cater for industrial-scale production. The Standardization Unit dairysmart skid system from GEA incorporates the Ecocream skimming separator, and is designed with the small-medium-sized operations, to carry out hot milk/whey skimming, milk cleaning, cream fat monitoring and automatic tank standardization.
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Aseptic valves face exceptionally high demands within UltraClean and Aseptic processes. You can be assured that they all provide highest quality in terms of hygienic design and sustainability.
GEA has partnered for decades with the global dairy industry to develop versatile technologies for just about every stage of milk processing.
Sıvı bileşen üretim prosesleri için GEA'nın verimli hat-içi karıştırma sistemleri, ihtiyacınız olan çözümü sağlar!
GEA offers various solutions that allow you to optimize and automate your centrifuge and/or your process through precise monitoring of selected KPIs. The result: Clear cost transparency, maximized performance, increased resource-efficiency, and minimized manual operation. Customized by our expertise for your added value – explore untapped product...
Filling the future: GEA Aseptic Filling Pilot Plant
GEA Aseptic Smart Doser
GEA EngySpeed – for resource-saving milk skimming
GEA’nın yenilikçi prosesi, hidro-işlemden geçmiş bitkisel yağ ve sürdürülebilir havacılık yakıtı gibi biyo-yakıtların ön-işleminde bir dönüm noktasını işaret etmektedir. Ağartma işlemini ortadan kaldırmak suretiyle üreticiler, önemli tasarruf potansiyellerinden faydalanmaktadır: %50’nin üstünde daha düşük işletme maliyeti ve %12’ye varan daha az CO2 emisyonu.
İklim değişikliği ve artan küresel nüfus, gezegene zarar vermeden daha fazla insanı beslemek için enerji yoğun gıda endüstrisi üzerinde artan bir baskı oluşturmaktadır. GEA Global Teknik Sürdürülebilirlik Müdürü George Shepherd, GEA'nın mühendislik know-how'ını kullanarak işleyicilerin verimliliği arttırırken daha sürdürülebilir üretim yapmalarına nasıl yardımcı olduğunu açıklıyor.