
Protecting the planet

Industries and communities face growing challenges in reducing environmental impact while managing resources sustainably. Current methods rely on costly, single-use materials, while water demand continues to rise. We provide innovative solutions for efficient water and waste management, using advanced technologies to turn by-products into valuable resources.


Partnering for a sustainable future: Committed to eco-friendly solution

Industries and municipalities are under pressure to meet rising product demands, comply with stricter regulations, and reduce their environmental footprint. We provide cost-effective, sustainable technologies that address critical challenges, including greenhouse gas emissions, inefficient waste management, and water scarcity.

By integrating eco-design principles, we enable our customers to enhance efficiency, reduce resource consumption, and promote a circular economy. Our long-term solutions not only help ensure regulatory compliance but also drive innovation, supporting increased output and sustainable growth from the very start.

Fresh green leaves with dew, symbolizing GEA carbon capture technology, part of full carbon capture solutions and equipment for a sustainable future.

Carbon capture solutions

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

At GEA, we are committed to creating cutting edge carbon capture technologies that enable our customers' industries, such as cement, steel, glass, bioenergy, and chemicals to accelerate their transition to a low-carbon economy and mitigate climate change.

GEA's carbon capture portfolio comes to extend our already well-established gas cleaning and heat recovery offer through technologies for CO2 capturing as well as options for CO2 liquefaction and utilization

The world is constantly changing

GEA environmental Decanter lines

Safeguarding our resources

The thirst for water is growing - in communities, industry and agriculture. Megatrends such as population growth and urbanization are driving this demand. But fresh water is a scarce commodity on our planet, with only about 1% directly available.

In response to the growing need for sustainable water use, there's an increasing demand for improved water management. This applies to wastewater and sludge treatment in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants as well as in agriculture.

To meet these pressing challenges, we have developed the GEA biosolids, sludge and manure Decanter to convert biosolids, industrial sludge, manure and digestate into a valuable resource, producing both energy and recyclable material with optimum efficiency. 


Emission control, dandelion

Emission control solutions

Reducing air pollution

Along with energy-efficient and resource-conserving production methods, the treatment of emissions is one of the main challenges in industrial pollution control. GEA is a world leader in the development, design and installation of industrial off-gas systems and technologies Our customers come from industries with large emission volumes and there is enormous potential for reducing GHG and other air pollution emissions. 

Emission control: reducing industrial emissions
GEA’s advanced emission control technologies help industries reduce harmful pollutants like dust, NOx, and other airborne contaminants. Our solutions ensure compliance with strict environmental regulations and contribute to better air quality.

Gas cleaning: efficient gas treatment solutions
Our gas cleaning technologies effectively remove harmful gases and particulates from industrial emissions, improving air quality and ensuring compliance with emission standards.

Energy efficiency: waste heat recovery

GEA’s waste heat recovery solutions allow industries to reuse waste heat, significantly reducing energy consumption and lowering operational costs. These technologies enhance the efficiency and sustainability of industrial processes.

Better wolrd, better products

Sürdürülebilirliğin neler başarabileceğini keşfedin

Daha İyi Bir Dünya. Daha İyi Ürünler.

“Daha iyi bir dünya için mühendislik” sözümüzü her gün yaşayarak deneyimleyin. Yenilikçi ürünlerimiz sayesinde sürdürülebilirlik, günlük faaliyetlere sorunsuz entegre edilen bir gerçeklik haline geliyor. Enerji tasarruflu çözümlerden su tasarrufu sağlayan teknolojilere kadar ürünlerimiz, çeşitli sektörlerde geleceğe hazır iş geliştirmeyi teşvik ederek anında fayda sağlar.


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GEA Carbon Capture Solutions - Decarbonizing Key Industries

GEA environmental Decanter lines

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