Oils & fats

Innovative process technology for maximum yields and first-class product quality

Oils & fats
Oils and fats are not only one of the most important elements for human food; they are also a valuable resource for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries as well as a source of raw materials for the production of sustainable fuels. The quality of the end product and also the intelligent processing and recovery of by-products, and thus the extent of possible added value, depends very much on the respective production and refining methods. For this reason, GEA offers producers in this particular field a wide range of innovative solutions with which vegetable and animal raw materials containing oil can be recovered efficiently and which aim to introduce maximum efficiency into the entire process.

GEA process technology is used for the recovery of vegetable and animal oils and fats and also in the process of oil refining for press oil clarification, degumming, neutralization, dewaxing, fractionation and soapstock splitting. For the production of valuable vegetable oil, the recovery of industrial fats or the production of high-quality biodiesel - the process solutions of GEA have a key role to play in the recovery and processing of virtually all oils and fats. Centrifugal separation technology and filtration solutions, concentration installations and drying technology provide extremely gentle operation in all applications, guarantee maximum yields and are able to provide the oils and fats in all required qualities.

As a result of many years of experience in the field of recovering and processing raw materials containing oil, we have extensive process know-how in all production stages. Customers benefit not only from our advanced individual machines; we also design and supply entire process lines right through to complete installations. Designed to meet the needs of the specific production task and customized to meet individual customer requirements, our system solutions ensure extremely efficient and reliable overall processes. They enable the raw materials to be used almost completely, consuming minimum quantities of water and energy, and thus making a vital contribution to economic success - but also ensuring that efficient use is made of environmental resources.

  • Reliable recovery and processing of all vegetable and animal oils and fats
  • Maximum product yield and quality thanks to extremely innovative process technology and engineering
  • Intelligent processes for ensuring that raw materials are exploited as fully as possible
  • Maximum installation efficiency due to process components from a single source

GEA İçgörüleri

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GEA çalışanları - separasyon

Diğerlerinden ayrı

GEA santrifüjünün hikayesi, Franz Ramesohl ve Franz Schmidt’in patentli mekanik süt separatörlerinin üretime başladığı ve modern süt ürünleri işlemenin yolunu açtığı 1893 yılında başlar. Bu inovasyon, o zamanlar yaşadıkları büyük...

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