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GEA engineers new separator skid for the Indian dairy industry

14 Oct 2021

GEA recently delivered and commissioned a newly developed skimming separator for Dinshaw's Dairy Foods Pvt. Ltd. in Nagpur, Maharashtra, one of India's leading ice cream manufacturers.

The customized plug & play separator skid for Dinshaw’s production site in Nagpur, India, has a processing capacity of 20,000 liters per hour. (Image: GEA)

The customized plug & play separator skid for Dinshaw’s production site in Nagpur, India, has a processing capacity of 20,000 liters per hour. (Image: GEA)

Founded in 1932, Dinshaw's also offers a wide range of milk-based products and bakeries. The customized plug & play separator skid has a processing capacity of 20,000 liters per hour. Capable of processing mixed milk types, the separator ensures high product safety, sustainable production as well as maximum product yield.

“As part of our company policy to regularly upgrade our infrastructure, we were looking for an intelligent milk skimming separator that would optimize our overall production efficiency and minimize fat losses,” says Sushil Kr Verma, Vice President, Dinshaw’s Dairy Foods Pvt Ltd. “We wanted a partner who could deliver exceptional technology in a very short time.” GEA was able to meet all of Dinshaw’s expectations, including delivery and installation of the separator skid within a tight three-month timeline.

One challenge for GEA product managers was to customize the new skimming separator to process different types of milk. As cow milk and buffalo milk are not collected separately in India, the milk supplied is a mixture of both. This means solids and fat content vary daily and seasonally. "Based on our many years of expertise, we understand customer requirements and believe in developing sustainable solutions. Our cross-functional GEA teams have risen to the challenge and developed a tailor-made separator that is ideally suited to the needs of the local dairy market," explains Deepak Singh, Vice President, Separation and Flow Technology Division, GEA India. The new solution is based on GEA’s proven ecocream separators. The customized separator skid fully meets the requirements of the Indian dairy market, including flexibility, robustness and affordability.

The plug & play separator skid was integrated into Dinshaw's existing infrastructure in a very short time and fits seamlessly into the plant's future automation requirements. "Dinshaw's is very happy with the performance of our machine. So are we, because we are helping the Indian dairy industry achieve its business goals,“ says Deepak Singh. “GEA is known worldwide for its state-of-the-art technology and engineering processes. This was our first collaboration and we look forward to many more meaningful collaborations in the future,” concludes Dinshaw’s VP Sushil Kr Verma.

Major highlights of the GEA ecocream 200 separator skid for Dinshaw’s Dairy Foods:

  • Skimming capacity up to 20,000 liters/hour
  • Fat losses in the sludge <0.1
  • Skimming efficiency <0.06 per Gerber method
  • Easily handles milk solids up to 17%
  • Plug & play type machine – easy to operate and maintain, short installation time
  • Suitable for future automation – compatible with SCADA and PLC
  • Includes all well-known GEA features, such as a fully hydraulic bowl ejection system and maintenance friendly flat belt drive


Lilian Schmalenstroer

Phone: 49 211 91362090

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

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+49 211 9136-0

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