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GEA Refrigeration Technologies opens new service branch in western U.S.

03 Mar 2021

With the opening of its new service location in Patterson, California, U.S., GEA is making it easier for industrial refrigeration customers to get the support they need.

A specialized GEA service technician performs a screw compressor rebuild. (image: GEA)

A specialized GEA service technician performs a screw compressor rebuild. (image: GEA)

With the opening of its new service location in Patterson, California, U.S., GEA is making it easier for industrial refrigeration customers to get the support they need. The new branch is one of three GEA service locations, the others being York, Pennsylvania and Pasadena, Texas. GEA products and services are now even more accessible, particularly for customers located in the western region of North America. From the Patterson branch, GEA offers field service through maintenance, inspection, troubleshooting, installation and commissioning.

Additionally, the already-up-and-running, temperature-controlled compressor rebuild space allows GEA’s highly skilled technicians to carefully manage sensitive equipment tolerances. Rebuild services are available for both GEA compressors and those from other manufacturers. Swift turnarounds of rebuilds from GEA’s entire product range are now possible at all three GEA service locations, which means urgent rebuilds can be carried out at the facility closest to the customer, saving valuable time thanks to shorter transport distances.

“We’re committed to providing our customers with responsive service and high-quality products delivered by professional and experienced personnel. As a result of this new branch, we are now able to serve our customers in western North America even more efficiently,” says Carlos J. Lugo, Head of Service at GEA Refrigeration Technologies in North America. “Our business has been categorized as essential during the current pandemic; therefore, our service facilities will remain open. At the same time, we take every precaution to protect the health and safety of our employees and customers,” confirms Lugo.

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GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

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+49 211 9136-0

GEA Hakkında

GEA, 2019 yılında 4,9 milyar EUR konsolide geliri ile gıda işleme endüstrisi ve diğer birçok endüstri için en büyük tedarikçilerden birisidir.

Uluslararası teknoloji grubu, proses teknolojisi ve bileşenlerinin yanı sıra makine ve tesisler konusunda uzmandır. GEA, çeşitli son-kullanıcı pazarlarında sofistike üretim proseslerine yönelik sürdürülebilir enerji çözümleri sağlamakta ve kapsamlı bir hizmet portföyü sunmaktadır. Grup, gelirinin yaklaşık yüzde 70’ini gıda ve içecek sektöründen elde etmekte olup uzun-vadeli sürdürülebilir bir büyüme göstermektedir. 31 Aralık 2018 itibariyle, şirketin dünya genelinde yaklaşık 18,500 çalışanı bulunmaktadır. GEA, faaliyet alanlarında bir pazar ve teknoloji lideridir. Şirket, Alman MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), STOXX® Europe 600 Endeksinde ve seçkin MSCI Küresel Sürdürülebilir Endeksinde yer almaktadır.
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