Trade press release

New valve technology from GEA reduces microbiological risks in spray drying process

September 16, 2024

GEA, a leading global provider of food and dairy processing solutions, introduces its patented CONTA dual block valve technology for spray dryers. Continuing its commitment to improving the safety, efficiency and environmental sustainability of food and dairy processing, this new system is designed to reduce microbiological risks, ensuring safer and more efficient processing operations.
The GEA CONTA dual block valve technology reduces microbiological risks, ensures safer and more efficient processing in spray drying operations. Source: GEA

The GEA CONTA dual block valve technology reduces microbiological risks, ensures safer and more efficient processing in spray drying operations. Source: GEA

Improved sanitary design enhances product safety

The CONTA dual block valve receives feed from the feed supply system and distributes it to multiple atomizer nozzles, which then spray the feed into the drying chamber. Compared to traditional designs, this new design reduces the areas where feed can accumulate by up to 96 percent, allowing for more efficient cleaning in place (CIP) and reducing microbiological risks. The CONTA dual block valve system improves sanitary operation and provides greater process and product safety.

Supporting continuous operation and operator safety

Each valve weighs approximately half the weight of traditional systems, making it easier and safer to handle. The design eliminates the use of external welded manifolds, allowing manual inspection and maintenance with simple tools. This simplified inspection and maintenance supports 24/7 operation and reduces plant downtime.

Fast configuration and installation

The standardized CONTA dual block valve unit can be easily configured for both new and existing spray drying systems. This ensures minimal disruption and quick installation, allowing plants to resume operations quickly. Retrofitting to existing spray dryers is straightforward, often requiring only minor programming changes.

Nicole Hoffmann


Phone: 49 211 9136 1503

GEA Hakkında

GEA, 2019 yılında 4,9 milyar EUR konsolide geliri ile gıda işleme endüstrisi ve diğer birçok endüstri için en büyük tedarikçilerden birisidir.

Uluslararası teknoloji grubu, proses teknolojisi ve bileşenlerinin yanı sıra makine ve tesisler konusunda uzmandır. GEA, çeşitli son-kullanıcı pazarlarında sofistike üretim proseslerine yönelik sürdürülebilir enerji çözümleri sağlamakta ve kapsamlı bir hizmet portföyü sunmaktadır. Grup, gelirinin yaklaşık yüzde 70’ini gıda ve içecek sektöründen elde etmekte olup uzun-vadeli sürdürülebilir bir büyüme göstermektedir. 31 Aralık 2018 itibariyle, şirketin dünya genelinde yaklaşık 18,500 çalışanı bulunmaktadır. GEA, faaliyet alanlarında bir pazar ve teknoloji lideridir. Şirket, Alman MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), STOXX® Europe 600 Endeksinde ve seçkin MSCI Küresel Sürdürülebilir Endeksinde yer almaktadır.
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