
Hydraulic oil

Water and dirt particles must be continuously removed from lubricating and hydraulic oils, as foreign substances carried in can lead to corrosion, blockages and system malfunctions. If the mechanical separation technology from GEA is used in the bypass to the circulation system, the cleaned oil ensures smooth long-term operation.

Benefits of our centrifuges

  • Excellent separation efficiency
  • High throughput capacity
  • Low energy consumption
  • Self-cleaning functionality
  • Minimized maintenance
  • Extended equipment life
  • Reduced operational costs
  • Space-saving design

Optimizing operations with clean hydraulic oil

Hydraulic oil plays a crucial role in various oil & gas applications by facilitating smooth and efficient operation of hydraulic systems. However, water and dirt particles can continuously contaminate hydraulic oils, leading to corrosion, blockages and system malfunctions. To maintain optimal performance, it is essential to continuously remove these foreign substances.

Efficiency and Cost Savings

Using GEA separator centrifuges, hydraulic oil can be cleaned more efficiently and faster than with conventional sedimentation tanks. This advanced separation technology offers numerous benefits, including longer service lives for bearings, higher machine availability and reduced purchasing and disposal costs for oil. Industries such as steel and paper manufacturing greatly benefit from these advantages, ensuring more reliable and cost-effective operations.


GEA İçgörüleri

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Haberleri GEA’dan alın

GEA haber bültenine abone olarak GEA yeniliklerinden ve hikayelerinden haberdar olun.

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