Centrifuge: Chamber Bowl Separator

İlaç ve Biyoteknoloji için Dairesel Tamburlu Separatörler

This Separator has been Designed for Protein Recovery. PKB 25 - 300-600 l/h* & PKB 45 - 500-1000 l/h*


The valuable solids are separated out in the chamber and periodically removed by hand.  Separation is executed by reliable, cooled chamber centrifuges. The bowl inserts divides the bowl in two chambers. The product is fed into the center of the rotating bowl through the feed. It flows from the center to the periphery through both chambers, whereas the finer particles are separated out in the outer chamber. The clarifying efficiency remains constant until the chambers are filled with proteins. 

*Product throughput (depending on the product and process in l/h)

Features & Benefits

  • Machine driven by a 3-phase AC motor with frequency converter  
  • Worm wheel gear   
  • Product connections as TriClamp   
  • All product-contacting parts are made of high-alloyed stainless steels
  • The seals comply with the requirements of the FDA and USP Class VI
  • Machine frame and the motor are   varnished    
  • Cooling system

Options Depending on Model

  • Motor control
  • Automatic pre- and post filling of the product
  • Turbidity meter
  • Lower section of frame cladded in stainless steel
  • Moveable work bench with crank gear for bowl assembly
  • Spare bowl for quicker processing of the solids abstractions
  • Available in ATEX design for EX-Zone 2


  • Throughput capacity from 500 to 1,000 l/h


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