
Yağ Geri Kazanımı için 2-Fazlı Ayırıcı Dekantörler

The big advantage of the 2-phase separating decanter for olive and palm oil recovery is the enormous savings when it comes to dilution water.

This special decanter was developed by GEA in the early 1990s. With this system up to 90 percent of dilution water can be saved which correspondingly also reduces the waste water. In addition to the ecological and economical issues, the 2-phase system is also impressive from an economic perspective of the recovered olive oil. It ensures the best possible oil quality by retaining the highest possible polyphenol content. The taste is intense, because many flavors and ingredients are washed out to a much lesser extent due to the addition of less water. At the same time, these oils have an exceptionally long shelf life.

GEA has also introduced this separation method to the palm oil industry as the so-called ecod decanter. Also for palm oil, this system combines extremely short process times and significant environmental compatibility with excellent product quality as well as a significant reduction in oil losses and fresh water requirement. Vertical clarifier and sludge tank are not necessary. In this way, the process time is considerably reduced, and the energy consumption is also lower. The amount of effluent is reduced to less than 25 % in relation to the volume of processed fruits. This is nearly half the quantity created in the conventional process.

In conventional processes, huge ponds are necessary in order to handle the effluent which is very organically contaminated. These ponds release large quantities of the greenhouse gas methane. Our ecod system considerably reduces the methane emission because the ponds are much smaller.

Features & Benefits – For olive oil recovery

  • No addition of dilution water necessary in most cases
  • The olive oil obtained in the 2-phase process contains all natural constituents of oil (polyphenols), giving the oil a more intense taste
  • Solid / water mixture can be processed relatively easily (e. g. for pit separation, water separation and olive oil recovery

Features & benefits – For palm oil recovery

  • Extremely short process time
  • Virtually no dilution water
  • Low energy consumption
  • No vertical clarifier and sludge tanks
  • Much smaller ponds – considerably reduced methane emission
  • Higher product yield
  • Palm oil in premium quality
  • Recycling of nutrients
  • Increased FFB production by organic fertilizer


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