GEA Grasso M series

GEA Grasso M serisi

The GEA Grasso M series comes in eight sizes with a swept volume ranging from 231 to 870 m³/h (at 2,940 rpm).

GEA Grasso M compressors are the first screw compressors with an integrated pressure-activated check valve ensuring low pressure drop.

The integration of the suction filter and coupling housing greatly simplify assembly of the package. The outstanding energy-efficiency of these compressors is based on the infinitely adjustable capacity combined with the extended variable Vi-range (internal volume ratio). The variable speed from 1,000 to 6,000 rpm ensures a wide operation range and maximum efficiency in full and part load.

Highlights & Technical Features

  • Outstanding energy-efficiency
  • Easy package assembly
  • Designed for ammonia (R717) and all other common refrigerants
  • Available according to API 619 and ISO 10440 standard
  • Swept volume: 231 – 870 m³/h at 2,940 rpm
  • Speed range: 1,000 - 6,000 rpm
  • Design pressure: 28 bar, 52 bar
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GEA Grasso M series
Compressor typeSwept volume
Cooling capacity (kW)

28 bar compressor¹)
capacity (kW)
52 bar compressor¹)
2940 rpm4500 rpmR717,
-35/+35 °C
0/+35 °C
-50/-5 °C
+35/+80 °C
¹) at 2940 rpm with 5 K superheat and 0 K subcooling, stated temperature values:
²) with economizer


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