Filling System

Fillasept® IBC Dolum Sistemi

The aseptic filling module Fillasept® is a fully aseptic standalone unit for filling and emptying industrial bulk containers of 200–1600 L.

The Fillasept® IBC filling system is designed for the safe aseptic filling of bag-in-box containers. The filling head is fully sterilizable/drainable and, because of its flexible piping and special wheel wagon, easy to handle.

Function Description

The IBC filling module for the aseptic intermediate bulk container (IBC) filling. The compact unit covers the GEA Aseptomag filling valve which separates the production plant from the IBC, as well as all process-required components. The “dead space” between IBC and production plant is hygienically perfectly rinsable and sterilizable. This means a total, visible security of the filling process for the user. All parameters such as sterilization time, filling & rinsing time, CIP / SIP data, and all product specific data are freely programmable on the touch screen.

The integrated control Siemens S7 can be adapted to all process specifications respectively to customer‘s requests. In the basic configuration the programs production, SIP/CIP plant and rinses are firmly deposited. In the corresponding submenus can be configured freely with the process parameters.

The monitoring of the filling capacity is carried out by a scale integrated in the manual lift truck. The measured data are continuously transmitted to the PLC using WiFi and the evaluation process allows the exact filling of a particular bin.

Filling Head

Fillasept® Dolum Başlığı

Dolum Başlığı - Ürün Hattından Konteynere Mobil Bağlantı

At the centre of this plug-and-play solution is a specially developed filling head. This filling head allows steam sterilization within the connection between IBC and production plant, and thus reliably secures the product against any contamination. The filling capacity is 6000 L/h (6 x 1000 L IBC/h).


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