Thermoforming Packaging Systems

Packaging plays a key role in ensuring quality and hygiene throughout the food supply chain, from production to the consumer. GEA develops thermoforming packaging machines, labeling, marking and automation equipment to meet the high demands of food manufacturers.

GEA PowerPak

Efficiency, hygiene, sustainability, safety and reliability - these are the key benefits of GEA thermoforming packaging machines. GEA has developed innovative solutions based on an in-depth understanding of customers’ needs, and several decades of technology expertise in form-fill-seal systems.

In addition to thermoforming packaging machines, GEA manufactures equipment for marking, coding, automation and complete packaging lines and types. GEA PowerPak PLUS, GEA LeakCheck and GEA FoodTray are the latest product innovations in thermoforming packaging systems.

As your partner for thermoforming packaging systems, GEA is constantly launching new machine models, functions and line extensions.



GEA PowerPak PLUS: Discover The Power of Performance

The GEA PowerPak PLUS is the new standard in thermoforming. Packed full of bold innovations, it’s a PLUS you can’t simply ignore. Read more.

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