Hidrolik peynir tekneleri

GEA offers overturnable cradle cheese making vats with capacities of 3,000 – 5,000 liters

Versatile cheese making vats from GEA enable curd coagulation and maturation either in whey or out of whey, at precisely controlled temperatures. The machines are constructed with a curd churner that incorporates electro polished blades and stirrers, to ensure that the complete mass of curd is cut and mixed at each turn. At the end of the churning and maturation cycle, the curd is tipped out into drainage trolleys, and any remaining whey is removed. The complete cradle surface is equipped with a steam- or water-heated jacket, to either cook the curd or to maintain a steady temperature.

GEA cheese making vats are constructed to comply with the highest hygiene and sanitization requirements. Internal rotary sprinklers are connected to a cleaning-in-place plant.  The framework of the machines is constructed from AISI 304 stainless steel, and all seals are made from food-grade materials.

Features of GEA cheese making vat systems include:

  • Vat emptying by means of oleohydraulic system with pistons.
  • Curd churner operated by electronic motor with inverter.
  • PLC-control of mechanical parts, churning cycles, timing and speed, with up to five presets.

You will also find cylindrical coagulators in our portfolio.

Hydraulic setting vats
GEA offers a portfolio of flexible, reliable overturnable cradle cheese making vats (hydraulic setting vats) for the production of a wide range of pasta filata cheeses, including mozzarella, mozzarella balls and braids, pizza cheese, provolone or scamorza. We can configure systems with capacities of 3,000–5,000 liters of milk per cycle, to meet all the requirements of small, medium and large-scale manufacturers.

Versatile cheese making vats from GEA enable curd coagulation and maturation either in whey or out of whey, at precisely controlled temperatures. The machines are constructed with a curd churner that incorporates electro polished blades and stirrers, to ensure that the complete mass of curd is cut and mixed at each turn. At the end of the churning and maturation cycle, the curd is tipped out into drainage trolleys, and any remaining whey is removed. The complete cradle surface is equipped with a steam- or water-heated jacket, to either cook the curd or to maintain a steady temperature.

GEA cheese making vats are constructed to comply with the highest hygiene and sanitization requirements. Internal rotary sprinklers are connected to a cleaning-in-place plant.  The framework of the machines is constructed from AISI 304 stainless steel, and all seals are made from food-grade materials.

Features of GEA cheese making vat systems include:

  • Vat emptying by means of oleohydraulic system with pistons.
  • Curd churner operated by electronic motor with inverter.
  • PLC-control of mechanical parts, churning cycles, timing and speed, with up to five presets.

You will also find cylindrical coagulators in our portfolio.


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