Kuru Tuz Dozaj Sistemleri

GEA, 150-300 kg kuru toz kapasiteli tanklara sahip kuru toz dozaj sistemleri yapılandırabilmektedir. Portföyümüzdeki her bir ünite, enerji verimliliği, düşük işletim ve bakım maliyetleri sağlamak üzere tasarlanmıştır.

GEA'nın kuru toz dozaj sistemleri tuzun topaklanmasını önlemeye yardımcı olmak için devamlı olarak döndürülen ve harici bir gömlek ile ısıtılan çift kesik koni şekilli bir kuru tuz teknesi etrafında yapılandırılmıştır.

The tank contains spoons that scoop the salt into a hopper, from where it is transferred to a conveyor pipe. At the end of this pipe a variable-speed auger system transfers the salt to the curd coming out of the stretching machine. The curd cheese is transferred to a Teflon-coated chute in which it is flattened by an adjustable paddle. The cheese is transported along this chute to a rotating drum. A sensor system automatically detects the thickness and speed of the stretched pasta filata as it moves along the chute, and this data is sent to a PLC that adjusts the speed of the salt distribution auger, to ensure that the precise amount of salt is dosed then dosed. The cheese and salt are combined in a rotating drum and transferred to a kneading unit that contains counter-rotating augers. From here the salted pasta filata cheese is transferred to the molding station.

The cheese and salt mixing tunnel can be configured with pipework for connection to a cleaning-in-place (CIP) plant. Whey and cleaning solutions from CIP are collected in a vat that is connected to a centrifugal pump. Servo-motor drives operating the salt distribution and mixing augers guarantee precise, reliable operation.

Offering automated adjustment and fine control, GEA salt dosage systems are accurate to within 0.1% salt dosing. The units are constructed using stainless steel AISI 316 to withstand the corrosive activity of salt. 

Dry salt dosage system


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