Specifically designed for goat milking

Herringbone Sağım Tesisi iNDEXA Keçi & Koyun Hızlı Çıkışı

iNDEXA Goat and Sheep is the ultimate in high flow stall configuration combining self-loading indexing gates, a rapid exit and feeding.

iNDEXA Goat & Sheep

Key Features

  • 20 - 100 Clusters
  • Adjustable breast rail and entry rails
  • Seamless integration with the iSOLATOR exit gates
  • Available with standard goat and sheep spacing of 660mm, 700mm and 760mm with custom sizes available on request.

Milking Performance Goats & Sheep / Hour

Milking Performance Goats & Sheep / Hour
Rows / Hr12108.67.56.7
Row Times (Mins)56789
No. Goats & Sheep Milked per hour
Size of System2 x 20480400343300267
2 x 30720600514450400
2 x 34816680583510453
2 x 36864720617540480
2 x 40960800754600533
2 x 441056880754660587
2 x 5012001000857750667

Milking Systems

iXPRESS Goat & Sheep Milking SystemThe iXPRESS Goat & Sheep Milking System you get high dependability and enhanced milking performance expected from this large bore midline milking system. Automation options are easily fitted to increase efficiency.
Key Features
  • 20 - 100 Clusters
  • 1 - 2 Operators
  • 260 – 1200 animals / hr
  • Suit herd size more than 300 animals
iNTELWASH Autowash System

iNTELWASH does away with the need to manually wash the milking system as the controller executes a pre-set wash program at the completion of milking. Elimination of possible human error means that the correct wash is carried out every time including dosing of detergents. Once the controller has finished the washing process the plant is shut down.

iNTELGEN Pulsation Controller

The iNTELGEN features either individually adjustable front and rear, or standard milking ratios for a clean and even milk-out of the animal. The operator can adjust the pulsation rate to tailor the milking speed to the animal’s production from the front cover.

iNTELGEN when linked to the iPULSE pulsator provides accurate milking and rest phases for optimum milking performance.

iNTELPUMP Milk Pump Controller

The iNTELPUMP is designed to sense the level of milk in the receiving can via a stainless steel float and then cycle the milk pump contactor according to the level.

It can be customized to individual installations by adjusting the internal timers and can be configured with different settings for wash and milk.

Additional features such as the ability to pump out the receiving can at the end of milking as it waits for milk to settle in the delivery line. Then, using the milk purge valve, injects filtered compressed air in the milk delivery line to push it out to the bulk milk tank.

iNTELFLOW Variable Speed Milk Pump Controller

iNTELPUMP is designed to sense the level of milk in the receiving can via a stainless steel float and then cycle the milk pump contactor according to the level. It can be customized to individual installations and can be configured with different settings for wash and milk.

Additional features such as the ability to pump out the receiving can at the end of milking as it waits for milk to settle in the delivery line. Then, using the milk purge valve, injects filtered compressed air in the milk delivery line to push it out to the bulk milk tank.

Vacuum on Demand (VOD)
The Vacuum on Demand (VOD) is designed to electronically control the vacuum level in the milking system. VOD provides vacuum capacity on demand by controlling the speed of the vacuum pump. This reduces power requirements and saves on operating costs. It also significantly lowers the vacuum pump noise.

Herd Management & Automation

Herd Management & AutomationMilking time without effecting natural efficiency
iXPRESS Goat & Sheep Herd Management and Automation

Herd Management and Automation products are easily fitted to iXPRESS Goat & Sheep which increases operators productivity at milking time without effecting natural efficiency.

Sorting Gate

The Sorting Manager takes the stress out of the milking process by reliably sorting those cows that have been manually identified for sorting, cows that match predetermined reports for sorting or cows that have been alerted during milking.


iXPRESS Goat & Sheep ComponentsThere are a comprehensive range of milking components available for all types of milking systems and herd sizes. All products are designed to be robust and the highest quality materials for long life.
iTP205 Milking Cluster

The Goat & Sheep cluster is a lightweight cluster specifically developed for easy cluster placement onto goats and sheep.

It incorporates a unique shut off valve which automatically controls the vacuum supply to each liner during milking; as soon as the teat enters the liner the valve automatically opens. When the teat is removed at the end of milking rapid air intake creates a vacuum in the valve which automatically closes it. 

Plate Coolers

The Milfos range of plate coolers are designed with all sized dairy operations in mind.

The standard Diary cooler is designed to suit small to medium installations. This features a single bank system.

Industrial Coolers are designed with single bank option for large installations and a double bank option that has a primary and secondary cooling circuit built onto a single compact cooler frame.

Milk Filters

A complete range of milk filters are available to suit the smallest to largest of herds. The inline sleeve or sock filters contaminants from the milk such as cow hair and dirt along with mastitis clots.

The rigid stainless steel filter cage is supplied complete with rubber sock keepers that compress in the housing and seal against product bypass while securing the filter element. 

iPULSE Pulsation

iPULSE is a new generation of pulsator, engineered for long life even in the harshest working environment. A single pulsator is designed to handle either one or two cluster assemblies. It is sealed from water and moisture contamination and electrics are housed away from the pulsator chamber.

Precision electronics deliver a perfectly controlled pulse to the cluster, providing accurate milking and rest phases. Front and rear milking ratios are possible along with variable pulsation rates.

Milk Lines and Receivers

Milk lines are available from 50mm to 100mm depending on the number of clusters. All milk lines are made from 304 grade stainless steel and have either 16mm or 19mm welded milk nozzle entries in a straight or tangential configuration.

Receivers and sanitary traps are produced to suit the various machine types and sizes. These are supplied with any necessary valves, drains, and milk inlet RJT and milk outlets.


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