Döner Sağım Odası AutoRotor PerFormer Plus

The AutoRotor PerFormer Plus rotary milking parlor combines cow comfort with top performance. Thanks to a high throughput, it shortens milking times and helps you to optimize your work flow through its efficiency.

Design the milking process according to your needs!

If you choose SpeedControl or retention arms, an additional feed trough or the suitable positioning arm: You decide, how the AutoRotor PerFormer Plus operates for you. At the same time it supports you to maintain the health of your herd. The thought-out details lead to a best possible milking process: a clear hose guiding e. g. allows for an optimal milk flow and undisturbed vacuum stability. An integrated roller rope guide ensures the durability of the rope. For further information please take a look in our product brochure that you can find on this website.

Your benefits at a glance

AutoRotor PerformerPlus 2


  • Preassembled and ready to install
  • Closed cabinet for the protection of all the milking components
  • SpeedControl or optional retention arm for second round


  • Animal-friendly designed frame with generous standing areas
  • Surface-sealed, slip-free concrete platform with secure footing
  • Portal below the platform supports an optimal hose guiding
  • Standard / commercial versions for up to 10 or rather 24 operating hours daily
  • Robust running gear
  • Rotary or multiboard coupling
  • Additional feed trough allows fast access to the inside of the milking parlor
  • Optionally low-maintenance electric or hydraulic drive
  • On request you can obtain stainless steel cladding above or below the platform


  • PosiGuide: the hose guidance for economic attachment and trouble-free milking
  • PosiForm: positioning arm for raising and lowering of the milking cluster for improved working ergonomics and hygiene
  • PosiGuide und PosiForm: with integrated roller rope guide for a reliable and gentle rope use
  • DeMax milk controller unit for reliable automatic take-off
  • Metatron / DemaTron milk controller units for professional milking parlor management and exact measurement of the milk volume
  • DPView in the AutoRotor milking system: Display of the cows milked, the milk volume/hour, duration of milking, animal statistics 24 to 80 milking stalls
  • Relaxed animal traffic and maximum throughput performance at the same time

 Further benefits: 

  • Minimized labor costs due to lower amount of work needed
  • Low maintenance equipment for high running and long life
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