With 100 years of experience, GEA has developed a unique expertise in designing, manufacturing and servicing the widest available range of industrial rotary presses.
While the pharmaceutical industry is the largest customer for our tablet machines, we have developed a range of high-speed industrial rotary presses especially for a variety of applications, such as powder metallurgy, ceramics, nuclear fuels, catalysts, ferrites, electronics, consumables, automotive, detergents, hygiene and body care, nutraceuticals and food.
To get in touch with our team of experts for these applications, click here.
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For non-pharma applications, the PERFORMA P tablet press has been upgraded for high wear resistance to cope with abrasive powders.
The R233 is designed for single-layer / double-output or double-layer / single-output 24/7 tablet production with minimum maintenance to produce large volumes of tablets (such as salt tablets, catalysts, coffee pods, etc.), suitable for the processing of abrasive and corrosive powders.
The R253 is designed for for single-layer/double-output or double-layer/single-output 24/7 tablet production with minimum maintenance to produce large volumes of tablets (such as detergents, catalysts, automotive parts, batteries, etc.). This machine can be used to produce tablets with one or multiple vertical holes.
The R55 is a robust, exceptionally versatile industrial rotary press for single-layer tablet and component production. From nuclear fuel pellets, hard metals and batteries to confectionery.
GEA’nın yenilikçi prosesi, hidro-işlemden geçmiş bitkisel yağ ve sürdürülebilir havacılık yakıtı gibi biyo-yakıtların ön-işleminde bir dönüm noktasını işaret etmektedir. Ağartma işlemini ortadan kaldırmak suretiyle üreticiler, önemli tasarruf potansiyellerinden faydalanmaktadır: %50’nin üstünde daha düşük işletme maliyeti ve %12’ye varan daha az CO2 emisyonu.
İklim değişikliği ve artan küresel nüfus, gezegene zarar vermeden daha fazla insanı beslemek için enerji yoğun gıda endüstrisi üzerinde artan bir baskı oluşturmaktadır. GEA Global Teknik Sürdürülebilirlik Müdürü George Shepherd, GEA'nın mühendislik know-how'ını kullanarak işleyicilerin verimliliği arttırırken daha sürdürülebilir üretim yapmalarına nasıl yardımcı olduğunu açıklıyor.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.