Genel Bakış
GEA check valves open autonomously by the pressure which is exerted by the working medium upon the valve disc. RVAK stop check valves have a lifting stem to permanently close the valve and a cone on the underside of the valve disc to regulate the medium flow. They start to open at a differential pressure of 0.01 to 0.05 bar and are fully open between 0.1 and 0.2 bar. As soon as the flow is interrupted or the flow direction is reversed, the valve closes automatically. Additionally, RVAK stop check valves may also be closed manually with a handwheel or a ratchet attached to the lifting stem. Rotating the stem clockwise will keep the valve disc down on the valve seat and therefore keeps the valve closed, counter-clockwise rotation will enable the valve disc to be opened by the pressure of the medium. The cone on the underside of the valve disc allows the medium flow to be regulated. The maximum diameter of the cone corresponds to the valve’s nominal diameter. The built-in damping device makes this type of valve especially suitable in cases where the power requirement / flow rate fluctuates. GEA stop check valves are designed for installation in the refrigerant circulation of industrial refrigeration systems. They are installed on either the pressure or suction side of compressors or in pipes in which only one direction of flow is intended. The spindle sealing is provided by a threaded bush with spring-elastic PTFE ring.
RVAK durdurucu çek valfler | |
tasarım | düz veya açılı tip |
malzeme | çelik veya paslanmaz çelik |
nominal boyut | DN 10-150 |
nominal basınç seviyesi | PS 25, PS 40, PS 63 |
sıcaklık aralığı | -60 °C ila +150 °C |
bağlantı | alın kaynak uçları DIN, ANSI flanşlı uçlar DIN, ANSI lehimli uçlar vidalı uçlar |
diğer | kapak uzantısı lineer küresel yatak |
Stop Check Valve type RVAK
Entegre sönümleyici aparat bulunan veya bulunmayan veya entegre sönümleyici aparat ve lineer mil yatağı bulunan, kelepçe tasarımlı çek valfler.
Yükselen saplı, sap üzerinde PFTE-ring conta bulunan - kilitlenebilir çek valfler.
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