eCalculator for Brewery

Did you know… you can reduce the energy consumption, operating costs and CO₂ emissions of your facility all at the same time? Try our eCalculator (see below) and discover how much you could potentially save with NEXUS. Let's work on your carbon footprint together.

The calculator above calculates possible OPEX and CO₂ emission savings using GEA's holistic engineering solutions (NEXUS). Results are purely indicative and non binding.

Sustainable engineering solutions


NEXUS – GEA的整体工程解决方案将使您能够以最佳方式将工艺方案与制冷和加热需求整合在一起。您可以期待什么?我们的顶级专家采取的整体方法,可以降低能耗、最小化运营成本并减少碳足迹。
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