
GEA extends partnership with Kerbl

13 Apr 2023

Image 1: GEA offers, in cooperation with Kerbl, high-quality products for daily use and comprehensive accessories for dairy farmers. (Image: GEA)

GEA offers, in cooperation with Kerbl, high-quality products for daily use and comprehensive accessories for dairy farmers. (Image: GEA)

Imgae 2: GEA and Kerbl have officially extended their cooperation and are jointly expanding their product range. Sven Hommel and Liang Cheng (GEA), Albert Kerbl, Ulli Kerbl. (f.l.) (Image: GEA)

GEA and Kerbl have officially extended their cooperation and are jointly expanding their product range. Sven Hommel and Liang Cheng (GEA), Albert Kerbl, Ulli Kerbl. (f.l.) (Image: GEA)


Lilian Schmalenstroer

About GEA

GEA 是食品加工行业及众多工业领域的领先供应商之一,2019 年的销售总额约达 49 亿欧元。

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