Different cleaning devices for different cleaning tasks
Cleaning tasks can be very diverse – they vary from basic wetting for water-soluble products to hard-to-clean encrusted dirt. Based on GEA’s long-standing experience we use soiling classifications to assist us to select the appropriate cleaning device for optimal cleaning performance.
GEA 的慢速旋转式清洗器使用有针对性的扁平或圆形喷射器,将清洗溶液喷射到容器壁上。这些装置比传统的旋转式喷射装置在更高的液体压力下运行,但其独特的设计可以保持较低的旋转速度。通过该优势,这些设备能够对容器壁产生比旋转式喷射装置更大的清洗力。由于旋转受到控制,喷射射流的停留时间增加,从而提供更大的清洗能力。GEA 的慢速旋转式装置是一种高效且节约成本的解决方案,适用于顽固且难以清洗的容器。
Soiling Class I – The ideal solution for non- adhesive water-soluble products
Soiling Class II – The ideal solution for adhesive water-soluble products
Soiling Class III – The ideal solution for wet sticky products