现在,犊牛自己做主:受控的不限量饲喂或按需饲喂能够保证犊牛出生第一周每天增长多达 1 公斤(35 盎司/天)。这种特殊饲喂技巧获得了成功,并因此变得越来越普及。
但是,只有借助自动化的犊牛液奶喂料系统和精料饲喂系统才能实现高效省时。GEA 提供所有辅助设备,这些设备有助于自动管理受控饲喂,并可无缝集成到牛群管理中。每头后备牛准确采食其所需数量的液奶和浓缩饲料,从而健康成长到最优的断奶时间。
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The F4160 moves along a sliding rail to every calf pen to dispense feed specific to each animal in a controlled way. A hose pump moves the feed down into the teat, ensuring comfortable feed for your young animals.
Transport milk automatically from the milking robot or milking parlor to the calf feeder and provide high quality milk to the your calves, directly from the udder.
Enable your calves to engage in their natural teat nudging behavior with optimal hygiene