Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.
Dairy worker Clémence Poussier from France stands in front of a GEA automatic feeding robot.

安装 GEA 饲喂机器人后,每头奶牛的产奶量从每天 28 升跃升至 36 升。奶牛之间的料槽不再有争夺现象,即使是小母牛也可以轻松获得新鲜饲料,并有机会让它们充分发挥产奶潜力。- Clémence & Luc Poussier,法国

Dairy Farming Insights 播客

The team behind GEA's latest automated feeding technology poses for a group photo.

GEA 最新自动饲喂技术背后的团队合影。

Dairy farmers Johannes Nickel and his father from Germany stand in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.

我曾经花大量时间喂养我的奶牛,但现在,有了 F4500,这变得容易多了。我可以用最少的时间为它们提供特定的口粮,从小牛到奶牛的四个不同群体。- Johannes Nickel,德国

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