Is your continuous manufacturing line equipped to handle highly potent products?

Contained Continuous Direct Compression Line
معدات طلاء ConsiGma

Contained Coating

SMEPAC trials have shown the GEA Tablet Coater is capable of handling highly potent pharmaceutical API and offers exceptional containment

Digital Canary Atmosphere monitoring system

Containment Monitoring

Digital Canary protects pharmaceutical plant, processes and operators by detecting breaches in contained production lines

ConsiGma wet granulation line at Chinion Mexico

Customer Story

Read the story of Chinoin, an early adopter of continuous processing equipment.

الخط المستمر

Review of 2022

In his final act as Director of Pharma Solids Sales at GEA Pharma and Healthcare, Richard Steiner, reflects on another record-breaking year for the company’s ConsiGma® 4.0 continuous manufacturing product line for the pharmaceutical industry.

Spotlight - The road to Continuous

Spotlight - the Road to Conti

During the Spotlight event discussing the road to continuous manufacturing, Mexican generics company, Chinion, joined our expert panel at Achema 2022 to share their experiences

Spotlight on Continuous, Cleaning and Containment

Spotlight - Conti, Cleaning and Containment

At Achema 2022, one of the Spotlight events discussed the interaction between continuous manufacturing, cleaning and containment.

تلقَّ الأخبار من GEA

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