Decarbonizing district heating with heat pump technology

إزالة الكربون من التدفئة المناطقية باستخدام تقنية المضخات الحرارية

The whole of society has an obligation to reduce energy consumption and minimize CO2 emissions. The EU, for example, aims to be climate neutral, with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, by 2050. A major contributor to CO2 emissions is domestic heating nowadys. And decarbonizing district heating systems is rapidly gaining popularity to improve overall energy efficiency and minimize the impact on the environment.

Within this trend, heat pump technology is becoming increasingly recognized as a sustainable way to provide low-cost energy with reduced CO2 emissions, by reusing and upgrading the waste heat from different heat sources for district heating network.

Join GEA’s Cooling Club webinar on District Heating entitled “Decarbonizing district heating with heat pump technology”. Svend Vinther Pedersen, Senior Consultant from The Danish Technological Institute and GEA district heating expert Kenneth Hoffmann will provide their insights on how to decarbonize district heating and decrease energy bills with heat pumps.

>>Register here

In this webinar, we will:

  • Look at the key findings of the IEA Annex47 report: Heat Pumps in District Heating and Cooling Systems;
  • Explore the economic and environmental benefits of heat pumps in district heating;
  • Consider the specific benefits of different heat sources (air, seawater, sewage water, ground source water and combined heating/cooling) for heat pump technology;
  • Establish the water temperatures achievable in district heating systems using heat pumps;
  • Provide case stories from successful heat pump installations in district heating.

Learn more about District Heating at:


  • Svend Vinther Pedersen, Senior Consultant, Refrigeration and Heat Pumps, The Danish Technological Institute (Teknologisk Institut)
  • Kenneth Hoffmann, Product Manager Heat Pumps, GEA Refrigeration Technologies


  • Annemarie Harmsen, Head of Marketing & Communications, GEA Refrigeration Technologies
  • Tom Eelen, Head of Technical Sales, GEA Refrigeration Technologies

The ‘Virtual’ Cooling Club

You are welcome to join us at the ‘Virtual’ Cooling Club, where we bring together people on the front line of the industrial refrigeration business and link them, through webinars, with industry specialists and their peers. Through our webinars we will explore the hot topics of the industry to look at government directives and regulations and how they impact the industry, and how refrigeration can become more economic, environmentally sustainable, energy efficient, future-proof and, ultimately, how your businesses can become more profitable.

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