Firm, chewy and bouncy: enhance the taste of your noodles with GEA's state-of-the-art processing technologies for different types of noodles from different raw materials.
Raw materials: spelt-buckwheat
Technology: regular sheeted
Raw materials: rice
Technology: cooked-extruded
Raw materials: wheat flour
Technology: regular sheeted
Raw materials: durum
Technology: regular sheeted
Raw materials: wheat flour
Technology: regular extruded
GEA responds to customer needs by developing a product that follows the health trends of consumers. By perfecting the production process of the noodles, we created a fat-free version with the same texture and palate experience as fried noodles and a similar rehydration time in hot water.
Thanks to our technology, we were able to make fat-free noodles an instant product.
The right balance for noodles.
A stronger, chewier texture with a pleasant bite-feel. Enhance the taste of your noodles with GEA technology.
A superior finished product is achieved with advanced technology. Our extruders allow you to form and pre-cook your product directly at the extrusion stage thus guaranteeing a high quality product.
Discover GEA's innovative solutions to elevate your noodle production with our Noodles Processing Technology brochure. From dough preparation to cutting and drying, we provide state-of-the-art technologies to ensure premium quality noodles. Download our brochure today for an in-depth look at how we can streamline and optimize your production line for maximum efficiency and consistency.
يتم عرض 4 من 6
آلة البثق والطهي ذات اللولب الواحد يمكنها تحويل أي مواد خام إلى منتجات ذات قيمة مضافة عالية.
آلة البثق والطهي ذات اللولب الواحد يمكنها تحويل أي مواد خام إلى منتجات ذات قيمة مضافة عالية.
آلة البثق والطهي ذات اللولب المزدوج بقدرة طهي أعلى ومتعددة الاستخدامات، وتتميز بسعات معالجة محسّنة.
خطوط تستفيد من المياه الساخنة لطهي المنتج المغمور القادم من مرحلة المعالجة السابقة. تشمل الخطوط آلات التبريد والغسل قبل تحضير المنتج للتعبئة والتغليف.
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