The demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG) solutions is growing and GEA leverages its deep technical expertise in compression and refrigeration to bring solutions to customers in this space.

Safe, efficient and reliable solutions

With decades of process refrigeration and gas compression experience, GEA is focused on delivering:

  • Compact, preassembled modular designs of oil-injected screw compressor units, which can be delivered quickly and efficiently.
  • Custom solutions that meet the primary objectives of process simplicity, safety, ease of operation, low capital & operating cost and plant reliability.

Optimized for scale

As depicted in the below illustration, our scope is limited to compressor trains (compressor and lube oil circuit) to be implemented in the mixed-refrigerant concept application.

LNG process production diagram: NG liquefaction with single mixed refrigerant

LNG prodcess production diagram: NG liquefaction with single mixed refrigerant

GEA Advantages

  • Cooling of natural gas with a blend of refrigerants (light hydrocarbons and nitrogen);
  • Proven GEA oil-injected screw compressor technology
  • Energy-efficient designs
  • Drawing from a large range of compressor capacities, GEA provides solutions for a wide range of plant sizes and application requirements

GEA’s solutions are customized to satisfy customer requirements in the areas of:

  • Water and utility consumption
  • Capital costs
  • Plot/footprint requirements

We welcome your inquiry

We invite you to contact us to learn more about our small-scale LNG solutions.


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