بيان صحفي تجاري

EuroTier 2018: GEA presents “Next Step Future Farming”

19 Sep 2018

The new GEA DPconnect module "Milking" allows the integration of the milking data from the stationary DairyPlan application into the DairyNet. (Image: GEA)

The new GEA DPconnect module "Milking" allows the integration of the milking data from the stationary DairyPlan application into the DairyNet. (Image: GEA)

Also existing Monobox installations are now expandable with two additional boxes. (Image: GEA)

Also existing Monobox installations are now expandable with two additional boxes. (Image: GEA)

The multi-box configuration with expanded functionalities consists of up to three boxes that share one supply unit, vacuum pump, compressor, milk and calf milk line and tank connection. (Image: GEA)

The multi-box configuration with expanded functionalities consists of up to three boxes that share one supply unit, vacuum pump, compressor, milk and calf milk line and tank connection. (Image: GEA)

The cell count sensor GEA DairyMilk M6850 identifies affected udder quarters in real time. (Image: GEA)

The cell count sensor GEA DairyMilk M6850 identifies affected udder quarters in real time. (Image: GEA)

The SRone+ Spray is available with or without ultrasonic sensors. (Image: GEA)

The SRone Spray is available with or without ultrasonic sensors. (Image: GEA)

The Super Slider Pump is equipped with GEA’s exclusive dual nozzle design, enabling better and safer manure pit management. (Image: GEA)

The Super Slider Pump is equipped with GEA’s exclusive dual nozzle design, enabling better and safer manure pit management. (Image: GEA)

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GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

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+49 211 9136-0

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