بيان صحفي تجاري

Fjord Shipping AS also relies on GEA BallastMaster marineX

28 Apr 2020

BallastMaster marineX

The GEA BallastMaster marineX has been approved by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) with Type Approval G8 and has the recognition of the Alternate Management System (AMS) of the USCG for all water qualities: fresh water, brackish water and seawater. (Photo: GEA)

BallastMaster marineX

The GEA BallastMaster marineX is designed for a throughput of 150 - 1500 m³/h and is also available as an explosion-proof version. The 2-stage system combines mechanical pre-filtration with subsequent treatment of the ballast water by UV-C light. (Photo: GEA)

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