Trade press information

GEA supplies decanter for leading paper and packaging manufacturer in South Asia

26 Oct 2021

The high energy efficiency, trouble-free operation, good clarification and dewatering performance, high degree of standardization, modular, compact design, easy integration into established processes with little need for adaptation, and fast delivery time are the key advantages of GEA decanters in general and in the case of Valmet the CF 8000 decanter. (Photo: GEA)

The high energy efficiency, trouble-free operation, good clarification and dewatering performance, high degree of standardization, modular, compact design, easy integration into established processes with little need for adaptation, and fast delivery time are the key advantages of GEA decanters in general and in the case of Valmet the CF 8000 decanter. (Photo: GEA)


Dr. Michael Golek

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

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