بيان صحفي تجاري

GEA opens a new chapter for biopharmaceutical separation processes with pharma separator lines aseptic and pure

06 Jul 2021

GEA's aseptic separator line offers customers with highly hygienic processes gentle processing of, for example, human and veterinary vaccines, monoclonal antibodies (mAb), e-coli, insulin, starter cultures and probiotic products. (Photo: GEA)

GEA's aseptic separator line offers customers with highly hygienic processes gentle processing of, for example, human and veterinary vaccines, monoclonal antibodies (mAb), e-coli, insulin, starter cultures and probiotic products. (Photo: GEA)

Line pure is used in applications with varying hygienic requirements such as dietary supplements, therapeutic proteins, pharmaceutical extractions, and extracellular and intracellular enzyme recovery. (Photo: GEA)

Line pure is used in applications with varying hygienic requirements such as dietary supplements, therapeutic proteins, pharmaceutical extractions, and extracellular and intracellular enzyme recovery. (Photo: GEA)


Dr. Michael Golek

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

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نبذة عن GEA تعتبر GEA واحدة من أكبر الموردين لصناعة معالجة الأغذية ومجموعة واسعة من الصناعات الأخرى والتي حققت إيرادات موحدة بلغت قُرابة 4.9 مليار يورو في عام 2019. تتخصص المجموعة الدولية للتكنولوجيا في الآلات والمصانع، وكذلك تكنولوجيا

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