بيان صحفي تجاري

The new GEA PowerPak PLUS technology – now with more sustainable packaging alternative using paper

11 Jan 2021

Production line with GEA PowerPak Plus. Technical adjustments make it possible that the thermoforming packaging machine can now also form coated paper without any problems. (Photo: GEA)

Production line with GEA PowerPak Plus. Technical adjustments make it possible that the thermoforming packaging machine can now also form coated paper without any problems. (Photo: GEA)

Illustration of a paper-based MAP package that can be produced with the new PowerPak PLUS packaging machine. (Photo: GEA)

Illustration of a paper-based MAP package that can be produced with the new PowerPak PLUS packaging machine. (Photo: GEA)

Volker Sassmannshausen, Senior Product Manager Thermoforming Packaging Systems at GEA (Photo: GEA)

Volker Sassmannshausen, Senior Product Manager Thermoforming Packaging Systems at GEA (Photo: GEA)

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