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Top in district and process heating: GEA Grasso L XHP and V XHP with performance bests

11 Oct 2022

Photo 1: With an optimized 70 bar design the GEA screw compressor L XHP extends the operating limits of heating applications with NH₃ by higher temperatures (up to +95°C). (Photo: GEA)

With an optimized 70 bar design the GEA screw compressor L XHP extends the operating limits of heating applications with NH₃ by higher temperatures (up to 95°C). (Photo: GEA)

Photo 2: Ideal for applications up to +95°C heat sink temperature with a design pressure of 63 bar. The GEA V XHP series meets industrial requirements in the food, beverage and dairy industry, for cleaning and other industrial processes, but also for district heating grids or decentral facility heating. (Photo: GEA)

Ideal for applications up to 95°C heat sink temperature with a design pressure of 63 bar. The GEA V XHP series meets industrial requirements in the food, beverage and dairy industry, for cleaning and other industrial processes, but also for district heating grids or decentral facility heating. (Photo: GEA)


Dr. Michael Golek

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GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

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