بيان صحفي تجاري

GEA Heating & Refrigeration Technologies shifts up several gears: European Info Truck Tour – “Rolling out Innovations”

06 May 2022

Kai Becker, CEO GEA Heating & Refrigeration Technologies (4th from right) officially opened the HRT Truck in Berlin on March 24, 2022. (Photo: GEA)

Kai Becker, CEO GEA Heating & Refrigeration Technologies (4th from right) officially opened the HRT Truck in Berlin on March 24, 2022. (Photo: GEA)

HRT truck visitors feel more like they are inside a modern presentation room than inside a truck trailer. (Photo: GEA)

HRT truck visitors feel more like they are inside a modern presentation room than inside a truck trailer. (Photo: GEA)

The HRT Truck showcases precise and focused state-of-the-art solutions from GEA Heating & Refrigeration Technologies. (Photo: GEA)

The HRT Truck showcases precise and focused state-of-the-art solutions from GEA Heating & Refrigeration Technologies. (Photo: GEA)

Digitization, here with the GEA Omni Panel, is a key topic on the HRT Truck. (Photo: GEA)

Digitization, here with the GEA Omni Panel, is a key topic on the HRT Truck. (Photo: GEA)


Dr. Michael Golek

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

About GEA

نبذة عن GEA تعتبر GEA واحدة من أكبر الموردين لصناعة معالجة الأغذية ومجموعة واسعة من الصناعات الأخرى والتي حققت إيرادات موحدة بلغت قُرابة 4.9 مليار يورو في عام 2019. تتخصص المجموعة الدولية للتكنولوجيا في الآلات والمصانع، وكذلك تكنولوجيا

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