Trade press release

Successful power play by GEA, ice masters and engineers in battling it out for the best ice

15 Nov 2023

Photo: GEA equipped the multi-purpose arena in Berlin with refrigeration technology. (Photo: Stageview/Beccera)

GEA equipped the multi-purpose arena in Berlin with refrigeration technology. (Photo: Stageview/Beccera)

Photo: The graphic shows the construction of the ice surface. You can see the pipelines as well as the ice surface on top (Photo/graphic: GEA/Cem Yücetas).

The graphic shows the construction of the ice surface. You can see the pipelines as well as the ice surface on top (Photo/graphic: GEA/Cem Yücetas).

Photo: Martin Reichmuth, Technical Manager Service of CLIMATIC GfKK – Gesellschaft für Kältetechnik-Klimatechnik mbH, Matthias Wiegand, GEA Compression Technologies Sales, Heat Pumps & Chillers and Helge-Andreas Dietzsch, Technical Manager House Services (from left to right) check the cooling system settings in the machine room. (Photo: GEA/Cem Yücetas)

Martin Reichmuth, Technical Manager Service of CLIMATIC GfKK – Gesellschaft für Kältetechnik-Klimatechnik mbH, Matthias Wiegand, GEA Compression Technologies Sales, Heat Pumps & Chillers and Helge-Andreas Dietzsch, Technical Manager House Services (from left to right) check the cooling system settings in the machine room. (Photo: GEA/Cem Yücetas)

Photo: A peek under the ice. Pumps feed the liquefied CO₂ into the pipes (secondary circuit) (shown here in blue and red for clarity) in the ice surface. (Photo/graphic: GEA/Cem Yücetas)

A peek under the ice. Pumps feed the liquefied CO₂ into the pipes (secondary circuit) (shown here in blue and red for clarity) in the ice surface. (Photo/graphic: GEA/Cem Yücetas)

Photo: The refrigeration cycle’s main components are the compressor, the condenser, expansion valve (high-pressure float) and the evaporator), the refrigerant pumps and the cooling tower. (Photo: GEA/Cem Yücetas)

The refrigeration cycle’s main components are the compressor, the condenser, expansion valve (high-pressure float) and the evaporator), the refrigerant pumps and the cooling tower. (Photo: GEA/Cem Yücetas)


Dr. Michael Golek

About GEA

نبذة عن GEA تعتبر GEA واحدة من أكبر الموردين لصناعة معالجة الأغذية ومجموعة واسعة من الصناعات الأخرى والتي حققت إيرادات موحدة بلغت قُرابة 4.9 مليار يورو في عام 2019. تتخصص المجموعة الدولية للتكنولوجيا في الآلات والمصانع، وكذلك تكنولوجيا

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