Product news

GEA expands LoTo valve locking during maintenance of aseptic processes

06 Nov 2023

Fig. 1: Inadequately secured process plants are often the cause of accidents in production. This is why GEA now also equips the aseptic double-seat valves of the Aseptomag range with lockout-tagout (LoTo) devices. Source: GEA

Inadequately secured process plants are often the cause of accidents in production. This is why GEA now also equips the aseptic double-seat valves of the Aseptomag range with lockout-tagout (LoTo) devices. Source: GEA

Fig. 2: The double-chamber valves GEA Aseptomag DK now have a modified valve actuator for LoTo, which uses a special lantern and piston rod extension for the socket pin. Source: GEA

The double-chamber valves GEA Aseptomag DK now have a modified valve actuator for LoTo, which uses a special lantern and piston rod extension for the socket pin. Source: GEA


Fanny Förster

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