بيان صحفي تجاري

GEA opens state-of-the-art Technology Center in Wallau/Germany

21 Mar 2023

GEA Food Solutions Germany GmbH at Biedenkopf-Wallau (Germany) opens the doors for its new Technology Center for the business unit Slicing & Packaging. Source: GEA

GEA Food Solutions Germany GmbH at Biedenkopf-Wallau (Germany) opens the doors for its new Technology Center for the business unit Slicing & Packaging. Source: GEA

GEA celebrate the opening of the new XLAB Technology Center at its production site in Biedenkopf-Wallau (Germany). Source: GEA

GEA celebrate the opening of the new XLAB Technology Center at its production site in Biedenkopf-Wallau (Germany). Source: GEA

The XLAB technology center offers customers the possibility for product testing and training in the area slicing and packaging under realistic conditions. Source: GEA

The XLAB technology center offers customers the possibility for product testing and training in the area slicing and packaging under realistic conditions. Source: GEA

More than 50 guests of honor from politics, business and companies involved in the construction celebrated the opening of the XLAB with GEA. Source: GEA

More than 50 guests of honor from politics, business and companies involved in the construction celebrated the opening of the XLAB with GEA. Source: GEA

Nicole Meierotto


About GEA

نبذة عن GEA تعتبر GEA واحدة من أكبر الموردين لصناعة معالجة الأغذية ومجموعة واسعة من الصناعات الأخرى والتي حققت إيرادات موحدة بلغت قُرابة 4.9 مليار يورو في عام 2019. تتخصص المجموعة الدولية للتكنولوجيا في الآلات والمصانع، وكذلك تكنولوجيا

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