Trade press release

GEA evaporation and crystallization technology for POSCO Argentina

December 5, 2024

Proud of the entire GEA team on the POSCO project: Guilherme Prelorentzou (right), GEA Senior Director Representative Brazil & Southern Cone LPT Division and Sebastian Pizarro (left), GEA Service Sales Engineer Liquid & Powder Technologies Division. (Photo: GEA)

Proud of the entire GEA team on the POSCO project: Guilherme Prelorentzou (right), GEA Senior Director Representative Brazil & Southern Cone LPT Division and Sebastian Pizarro (left), GEA Service Sales Engineer Liquid & Powder Technologies Division. (Photo: GEA)

Kwangbok Kim, President of POSCO Argentina's President (left) honors Guilherme Prelorentzou (2nd from left), GEA Senior Director Representative Brazil & Southern Cone LPT Division. (Photo: GEA)

Kwangbok Kim, President of POSCO Argentina's President (left) honors Guilherme Prelorentzou (2nd from left), GEA Senior Director Representative Brazil & Southern Cone LPT Division. (Photo: GEA)

Dr. Michael Golek


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