Trade press information

Components in demand for cooling and heating technology: GEA invests EUR 5.5 million at the Prenzlau site

18 Jan 2024

Photo 1: Stefan Kittendorf (Machine Operator) explains and demonstrates Thomas Strotkötter (Heating & Refrigeration Technologies, GEA), Tobias Länge (Managing Director GEA AWP) and  Hendrik Sommer (Mayor of Prenzlau) the new CNC machining center. (Photo: GEA)

Stefan Kittendorf (Machine Operator) explains and demonstrates Thomas Strotkötter (Heating & Refrigeration Technologies, GEA), Tobias Länge (Managing Director GEA AWP) and Hendrik Sommer (Mayor of Prenzlau) the new CNC machining center. (Photo: GEA)

Photo 2: GEA is investing around EUR 5.5 million in the modernization of production at the GEA AWP site in Prenzlau until 2026. By expanding its capacities, GEA is focusing on further growth in the important market for heating and cooling technologies. At a press event to mark the official handover of the new machine, the following were delighted with this investment (from left to right):  Lucas Lehmann (Supervisor Machine Operator), Toralf Richter (Machine Operator), Thomas Strotkötter (Heating & Refrigeration Technologies, GEA), Stefan Kittendorf (Machine Operator), Tobias Länge (Managing Director GEA AWP), Torsten Heinrichs (Manager Production) and Hendrik Sommer (Mayor of Prenzlau). (Photo: GEA)

GEA is investing around EUR 5.5 million in the modernization of production at the GEA AWP site in Prenzlau until 2026. By expanding its capacities, GEA is focusing on further growth in the important market for heating and cooling technologies. At a press event to mark the official handover of the new machine, the following were delighted with this investment (from left to right): Lucas Lehmann (Supervisor Machine Operator), Toralf Richter (Machine Operator), Thomas Strotkötter (Heating & Refrigeration Technologies, GEA), Stefan Kittendorf (Machine Operator), Tobias Länge (Managing Director GEA AWP), Torsten Heinrichs (Manager Production) and Hendrik Sommer (Mayor of Prenzlau). (Photo: GEA)


Dr. Michael Golek

About GEA

نبذة عن GEA تعتبر GEA واحدة من أكبر الموردين لصناعة معالجة الأغذية ومجموعة واسعة من الصناعات الأخرى والتي حققت إيرادات موحدة بلغت قُرابة 4.9 مليار يورو في عام 2019. تتخصص المجموعة الدولية للتكنولوجيا في الآلات والمصانع، وكذلك تكنولوجيا

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